We practice Traditional & Integrative Practice Located in Royal Palm Beach Florida.
In addition to alternative therapies, We offer general practice services such as wellness and sick pet exams, vaccinations, full lab work capabilities and much more. Please visit http://myvetdoc.com for more information!
Spinal Manipulation is the actual term used by vets. "Chiropractic" is a term reserved specifically for use by human Chiropractors; the same goal is reached in locating areas of the animal’s nervous system that has fallen out of communication, and re-establishes neuronal communication and thus induces healing. It is singularly the most simple, effective and safe healing modality in veterinary care to date. Check out the other modalities we use that your pet can benefit from !
www.Shockwavefordogs.com This therapy has been widely accepted within the human medical field for decades. Commonly used at Johns Hopkins University and is the current the treatment of choice in for plantar fasciitis, erectile dysfunction, tendon, ligament and bone fractures. Initially used in the equine field was a loud, painful version where anesthesia was often required. Today, Acuvetdoc offers the latest, clinically advanced model; PiezoWave2; where noise and pain are not a concern; and NO
Librela: the FIRST & ONLY once a month injectable for Canine Osteoarthritis pain
Monoclonal Antibody; Approved as safe and effective and provides long-term canine OA pain control
Providing reproductive services to responsible breeders. Monitoring ovulation timing, semen collection, shipping, analysis and longterm storage, artificial and transcervical insemination, ultrasound confimrmation, nutritional counseling, and more. For more information, visit: https://affordablecanineprogesterone.com
Veterinarian hands on only! Every patient is managed directly with Dr. Salvo. We devise patient dependent clinical intervention plans to help patients recover from illness and/or injury, and to help patients to live life to the fullest with minimal pain and discomfort. We utilize various modalities from acupuncture, laser therapy, shockwave, , trigger point release, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy , Electrotherapy and exercise plans.
This ancient therapy is still used today! And is effective for humans and animals in the treatment of a variety of disorders and supporting the body to rebalance and heal. Acupuncture uses small, thin, flexible needles inserted at particular points to stimulate the body to release neurotransmitters and hormones into the bloodstream. These biochemical and energetic responses assist the body in general healing, pain relief and normalizing organ function. https://acuvetdoc.com/videos-of-services
An important diagnostic modality we use to make an accurate diagnosis on our patients is radiography, or X-rays. X-rays can facilitate a medical diagnosis by allowing us to visualize things such as organ size, volume, placement as well as any variations ( normal or abnormal) of skeletal structures ( including fetal counts). We have board certified Radiologists on stand-by in the event we need an immediate consultation & interpretation.
Non-Anesthetic dental procedure and will provide each patient with a safe, warm environment necessary to provide the best health care possible. We don't offer 'cage seating' so your pet is handed arm to arm..meaning its by appointment only and your pet is taken immediately and then returned to you directly...you speak directly with the hygienist to review your pets specific experience and discuss ongoing dental care!
Treatments are painless as laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. Check out the video on how laser can help your pet! https://acuvetdoc.com/videos-of-services
There is truth to the old saying: “food is the medicine you take every day.” This belief in the healing power of food is one central to Chinese Medicine, where food therapy is often utilized alone or (more often) in conjunction with other modalities to treat disease patterns. It is the art and science of tailoring diet plans to individual patients based on their unique inborn tendencies, age, species, geographical location, personality and current disharmony or disease process.
Integrating Western with Eastern techniques in providing palliative and end-of-life care gives us more options to treat the clinical signs of disease and preserve a longer and better quality of life in pets struggling with aging, chronic and life limiting illnesses. https://youtu.be/P2zQbsEGh_Q
Electropuncture is also another alternative to regular acupuncture. With electropuncture, an electrical device is used to stimulate the acupuncture points in the dog’s body. This is done through the use of wires attached to the acupuncture needles. A mild electrical charge is then sent at variable frequencies through the needle and into the acupuncture point on the dog’s body. Have you seen our videos on Laser Therapy? https://acuvetdoc.com/videos-of-services
Oils squeezed from plants and flowers have been used for centuries to treat medical conditions. Essential oils are the concentrated form of chemicals in plants and flowers that have remarkable healing properties. We have an extensive collection of oils and oil formulas for treating virtually every medical condition. Similar to our herbal preparations, they do not have the side effects of modern medicines.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine and western herbal therapy are excellent alternatives to the use of many conventional chemical drugs. Plant medicine is the origin from where most drugs were developed, and this approach often works synergistically with the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Herbal medications are typically safer and can be more effective in the treatment of many medical conditions, especially in the management of chronic disease. https://acuvetdoc.com/videos-of-services
Aquapuncture is another form of acupuncture that some dog owner’s prefer for their dogs. It uses a hypodermic syringe and needle to gently inject a solution into the acupuncture points. It continues to either stimulate or sedate the acupuncture points. The solution is usually comprised of saline, vitamin B12 or the patients own blood. Aquapuncture is good for dogs that have severe back or hip pain which is caused from vertebral spondylosis, arthritis or hip dysplasia.
Massage and bodywork affects all body systems, giving emotional, physical and spiritual benefit. Massage can specifically help to increase circulation, disperse pain, relieve tense muscles, stimulate the immune system, aid in overall digestion and the removal of toxins from the body, and can help to calm anxieties.
Chronic disease conditions are now the common target of veterinary therapy. Moxabustion is the burning of herbals and placed over acupuncture needles to heat them and drive that heat into the acupuncture point or simply over the acupuncture points without the needles. We use this modality as an adjunct to our primary therapies; https://acuvetdoc.com/videos-of-services
Dr. Salvo will be out of the country
from April 22, 2025 through May 16, 2025.
Appointments will restart Monday April 19, 2025.
Text messaging ( 561-250-2031)
and email ( AcuVetDoc@gmail.com) communication with Dr. Salvo will still be available to all clients.
Please be patient as the time difference is 7 hours AHEAD of Florida time and internet connection will be based on location.
If you feel you have an emergent concern, please call VEG, where you can speak DIRECTLY to an Emergency doctor 24/7 at